Joint Pain

long term solution

What to do about joint pain

Arthritis - painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints

If you have had pain in your joints, you are likely familiar with the discomfort associated with arthritis, when your joints are inflamed and stiff. This is your body’s response to strain or repetitive movement. In order to heal the affected area, your body sends blood which brings healing nutrients and rebuilds tissue, then the byproducts are take away by the lymphatic system. How can we lessen the lasting effects of inflammation and decrease the pain associated with it?

The most important piece is diet. Try the following steps to improve how you heal and feel.

  1. Eliminate or drastically reduce your intake of carbohydrates. This will keep your blood sugar and insulin levels low and stable. Having chronically high blood sugar and insulin levels damages and inflames the lining of your joints (and chronic inflammation is unhealthy for the rest of your body, too).

  2. Remove wheat and grains (rice, oat, corn, etc.) from your diet. These are only necessary to prevent us from starving if there are no other food sources available. All grains have “defense” proteins in them. The purpose of those proteins is to deter predators (animals) from eating them and they all cause an inflammatory response when eaten.

  3. Stop using vegetable oils or eating products with vegetable oils in them. These are also very inflammatory and the ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 wreak havoc on our bodies. Instead use animal fat (bacon grease, butter, tallow) coconut or avocado oil.

  4. Do not eat or drink dairy products, especially products low in fat. Dairy is high in lactose and inflammatory milk proteins that our human bodies do not recognize. These proteins cause an immune response and can sometimes cause damage to our bodies.

You will probably feel much better after eliminating the above items. However, if you have eliminated the above for at least three months and still suffer from joint pain and inflammation, there are more foods that some people will still react to. You can also stop eating;

  1. Night Shades - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and white potatoes. These can cause, gas, bloating, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea and joint pain due to inflammation. Night shades are part of the plant family called Solanaceae, which are deadly, inedible plants like tobacco, belladonna, and mandrake.

  2. Beans, peas, and legumes may also cause inflammation.

This will leave you with whole food! By eating a Carnivore, Ketovore, or Ketogenic diet, you will be giving your joints all the healthy nutrients they need for healthy cell turnover, rebuilding and rejuvenation.

By removing the inflammatory foods from our diet, we have a long term solution for joint pain. Instead of masking with pharmaceuticals, we can give our body what is needs to heal itself. And, we can keep “Moo-ving”!


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