Eating one meal a day

OMaD Eating one meal a day.

When I started my carnivore diet, I wasn’t paying attention to how many times per day I should eat. I just continued to eat when I usually would, breakfast/lunch around 11 am and dinner when I got home. At some point a few weeks in, I just wasn’t hungry for dinner. I thought this seemed strange, so I continued eating twice per day and decided I would eat a smaller dinner. Surely I should eat at least twice per day! Because I was only eating fatty meat, I just stayed satiated and, eventually, I just couldn’t force myself to eat twice per day anymore. I decided that since I find myself hungry early in the day, I would skip the second meal. I didn’t feel “snacky” during the day, and I felt good going to bed feeling “light”. Without even trying, I became an “OMaD”.

I dug into this, looking for research on how and why and should I eat more meals every day. Isn’t that what our mothers and grandmothers always told us? Instead, I kept coming across research that supported fasting. The benefits are many, but here are just some examples;

  1. Insulin levels return to low/normal, making it easier for your body to burn fat.

  2. Your human growth hormone (HGH) levels increase by 3X - 5X. HGH also helps burn fat and encourages muscle growth!

  3. Cellular repair increases, helping your cells eliminate the “junk” and run more efficiently (increased mitochondria function=more energy)

  4. Increases your metabolic rate (up to 15%).

  5. Decreases inflammation in your body (benefits those with asthma, arthritis, etc).

  6. Reduces rate of heart attack and stroke.

  7. Burns belly fat! (the most dangerous area on your body for fat storage)

    Fasting is also practiced by many religions; Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, and more. Fasting is a way for a person to purify themselves, atone for their sins, focus on their spirituality, and increase their focus on God and their relationship with Him.

    Listed below are a handful of studies, but there is a lot of research on the benefits of fasting!


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